Sunday, July 15, 2007

In which I play catch-up

I haven't posted a photo since May 29th. Of course, I've hardly blogged since then--it's not as fun without photos, right?--but I HAVE been knitting. A Lot. So it's back to the joy of writing on a nearly-daily basis. I have essays in my mind and on my mind (having just returned from AP training) and the itch to write is in my fingers. More on that another day; today is all about What's On (And Off) The Needles.

As I caught up on my documentation of Works Progressing, I noticed that, by accident, I am following the June/July colors for Project Spectrum: red, black, and metallics.

First, the Red: my lovely swallowtail shawl, which for now is gracing the back of the couch:

I finished this one up a couple of weeks ago--told myself it had to be completed before I started the Mystery Stole. I couldn't be prouder. The color, the nupps, the bindoff, the blocking--all went just so so so well. Though it matches the couch well, I do plan on wearing it; I have my eyes on this tee to go under. First day of school, anyone? (Am I the only teacher who carefully plans her first day of school outfit?)

On to the black/metallic:

Here is my Mystery Stole through the middle of the second clue, about 135 rows in. (I'm up to row 179 now, in clue 3, but haven't taken photos of it yet.) The color is a charcoal grey, but looks washed out here; the beads are a metallic mix with a variety of sheens; some look like silvery hematite, others coppery, others golden, others almost black. I'll try to get a better closeup and post my theme guesses soon.

And, finally, the redANDblack project: Cat Bordhi's Coriolis sock:
This project also deserves a post of its own; to understand the genius that is this design, just take a gander at this--it's the toe.

Intrigued? More soon!

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